There are 15 main characters which I am looking for and they can be found in the following sets:
79001: Escape from Mirkwool Spiders
79002: Attack of the Wargs
79003: Unexpected Gathering
79004: Barrel Escape
79010: The Goblin King Battle
The 15 characters are:
1) Fili - 79001
2) kili - 79001
3) Thorin Oakenshield - 79002
4) Bifur - 79002
5) Gandalf - 79003
6) Bilbo Baggins - 79003
7) Bofur - 79003
8) Dwalin - 79003
9) Balin - 79003
10) Bombur - 79003
11) Oin - 79004
12) Gloin - 79004

13) Dori - 79010
14) Nor - 79010
15) Ori - 79010
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